Saturday, March 18, 2006

I need to be doped to sleep!

I have fucked up my sleeping scheduel again.Mighty Ambein pills.Maybe they help me to sleep for little bit.
After watching the movie "Jarhead" I was surprised to see that in a scene the general(I don't remember his rank)just pointed to a picture and told Marines about Saddam has used Nerve gas on Kurds and Iranians.In other scene,one Marine asked his comrades if they knew what was that war about and asked them if they knew where Saddam got all these weapons.His answer was very surprising to me that he said it with such confidence like:"We did.We gave all those weapons to him."
I am astonished to see Hollywood let these things slip from these movies.Talking about USA or West providing Iraq with weapons against Iran used to be a taboo.

This movie was very typical copy of "full metal jacket"despite it was based on true story.But I like hints like I mentioned above about it.

Life officialy sucks.I am tired of reading the books,watching the movies and living them in my mind..everything seems so delusive.
Currently chilling with:Everything changes by Staind


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I liked Full Metal Jacket but haven't seen Jarehead yet. Maybe you can bring it next time we met huh?
And it's great to see your weblog has been mentioned on too. I hope it will give you some encouragement to keep up with your blogging ambitions.You have a good head on your shoulders :)

9:40 AM  
Blogger Spooky Witch said...

Dear bd49,I am glad to see you visited my blog again.I also have to add I am happy to see that what saddam did and how he did those things is no longer secrets archived.
Dear Rodman,for sure you'll get to see that movie!:D
Thanks for being my freind.and thanks for reading my poor stuff...

12:49 PM  
Blogger Anthrophile said...

I don't recall this ever being a secret, even when it was happening. I was a little kid, but I remember it being a top news story in the mainstream press at least by the mid-80s. Conservatives simply quote that "politics make strange bedfellows" and "the enemy of my enemy is my friend (for now)."

The question is, what to do about it? Some of us are feeling very helpless right about now, since voting against this SOB doesn't seem to make a difference.

(I really like your blog!)

1:24 PM  
Blogger Spooky Witch said...

Anthrophile,I didn't mean they were secrets but they were kept as classified information.and even if an american journalist wanted to have access to that kind of information(if he was willing to know about what was happening at that time in Iran)I guess it was close to impossible for him/her.
Thanks for reading my blog and commenting on it.I hope you come back here again.

10:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's true that we did support Saddam and it was never a secret, given the fact a only a couple of years earlier Iranians had stormed our embassy and taken a number of hostages. That's politics. However, fingers are being pointed a little too much. Even at the height of the conflict, the U.S. didn't provide as many weapons or as much support as France, Russia, or China. In fact, we were pretty small compared to them. Do some research... you'll find that out on your own.

11:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

u.s. to lead to destroy all newclear weapon from all countries which possess such drastic weapons, first of all as an example, u.s. should destory all its newclear weapons. Then other world will follow this work, including Israel. Then world will be a better place to live.

1:11 AM  
Blogger brando said...

Brian, the US hasn't vowed to destroy all nuclear weapons from all countries. I think someone may have tricked you.

If I follow your logic, you're saying that if the US destroys all of it's nukes, then all countries will destroy theirs. Starting with Israel.

If the US were to disarm, I think a more likely senairo would be "Death to America".

7:16 AM  

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