Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Random Ramblings

It seems Iran is getting pretty arabized by its national media. I am so sick of these Arabic clips shown in Iran's National TV. Iran's official language is Farsi and there are some other ethnic groups speaking various languages but you can't find a single Kurdish or Azeri clip on air as much as you get to see these crappy clips that I don't understand a fucking word of them. Yea I am a redneck Turk!
We'll be living the same shitti life like North Koreans in just less than 10 years. As a totally neutralized citizen, I don't want that nuclear thingy…..Biatch
I am no expert in all the mess going on here but I can just sense it , we are in deep shit.
Why don't they have a cute little picture of a hand with the middle finger up in blogger? I could use that a lot.
It is more likely for you to get the job if you have bigger BOOBS (LIKE REALLY BIG). I ain't talking about hooters; it was a governmental corporation working mostly on public projects…Bunch of assholes…
It is pathetic I know but I love my single bed even more now!
I miss "M".


Blogger galensmark said...

It will work out if the people can take power away from the radical oppressors. Start it.

8:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is refreshing to see views being expressed so openly and without any borders, as far as your complain goes about the T.V, well I think you are justified.

7:23 AM  
Blogger Spooky Witch said...

Dear galensmark,Thanks for coming here.It's easier said than done.

persianarchitect ,it is good to see you here again.
You're right cyber space enables us to do so.

1:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do women with big boobs get the job in Iran ?
Who was the one who played in Bay Watch? oh! Pamela Anderson.

7:42 PM  
Blogger Spooky Witch said...

Mariamusic,I was just pissed off because I got rejected in a job interview and the person who got the job happened to be a pretty girl with some significant physical traits.Maybe she was really good.But that manager who had to choose from the candidates had good taste on women.(why do you think Iran is an exception?)

11:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good question Spooky,

Perhaps because of the dress code in Iran, maanto, which doesn't allow women to show off their big boobs as much as in USA (where I am living in), but now that I think I remember the thight maantos many females wear in Iran.

Girl, you are reminding me of many things.

stay well.

6:42 PM  
Blogger David said...

Hi Spooky, I'm glad to see your new post. :)

I don't think that Iran will ever be as isolated as North Korea, but the nuclear issue is going to be a problem in the coming years. Personally, I hate all nuclear weapons! I want them all gone!

Sorry you didn't get the job! If I was a manager, I would definitely choose women with small boobs. I don't know why, but I always liked them small. Besides, there seems to be an inverse correlation between boob size and intelligence. I like smart women! :)

Hey, come check out my new post. ;)

10:41 PM  
Blogger Dr O2 said...

Yeah this Arab overload is KILLING ME too!! why don they wake up & see we crave for a bit of more nationalism!

Well T, the Booby Trap is paying off worldwide these days :-S as it is stupid, it is a sad fact! I am really sorry to see superficiality is replacing profondness :-S

P.S: Nice to see you on a come back!

10:19 PM  
Blogger Anthrophile said...

I have strong doubts that the US would attack Iran at this point, especially with public opinion of the war in Iraq at the moment. We'll see what happens after the change of leaders in 2008.

I meant to ask a long time ago (been out of the country) , because the main fear a lot of people are expressing is that Iran would turn into "a second Iraq" -- are there as many factions in Iran as there are in Iraq? This definitely contributes to the mess over there.

I am extremely tired right now and so I'm asking my questions very bluntly -- I apologize.

10:28 AM  
Blogger Anthrophile said...

Whoops, that was supposed to go on the previous post... :-)

11:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

but i really like it ..some guys are really handsome..;)

3:31 AM  
Blogger Spooky Witch said...

Mariamusic ,lol yes those tight outfits girls are wearing these days don't hide anything.It is ridiculous that some try to isalamize dressing codes here but luckily no avail for them!

David,I hate nuclrear weapons,nuclear power plants...
I hope that Iran's nuclear issue gets solved wihtout any military action or sanctions involved.I didn't know about the inverse relationship between breasts size and intelligence...Thanks for being supportive David.

Dr.O2,very true
Oh,I don't know if that manager was being superficial.Pehraps that girl was more qaulified..

Anthrophile.Iran is very similar to Iraq in having multi ethnic culture. However I don't think Shia versus Sunni fraction might happen here.Do you think 2008 election may change anything due to US foreign policy?
It is ok!

Deci,lol..are you talking about that clip full of hot guys in gucci suits?

4:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dont know if you are muslim or not .....but if you are i dont really understand your antagonism towards Arabic ......i think the language should be promoted in all muslim countried regardless if they are "Arab" or not ...the fact is that the Quran was revealed in that language ...and if not for any other reason than that ..i respect the language...as i beleive that all muslims should !....just my too sence sorry if my opnion offends in any manner

3:23 PM  
Blogger Spooky Witch said...

Anonymous,it is not that I have anything against Arabic or people who spoke the language. I assume Iranians who watch National TV here would only understand what I meant. It is selling propaganda in the name of religion here

10:38 PM  
Blogger David said...

Spooky, you are right, there is no relation between breast size and intelligence. I was just making light of the myth that women with big ones use their size to get ahead in the world. I am always glad to be supportive. :)

10:50 PM  
Blogger Anthrophile said...

Oh... Happy Eid!

9:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes, I agree spooky. I remember I used to wonder how they could feel comfortable wearing those tight mantos. I must also say a pretty creative way of dressing. I think those years that I was going to school was the hardest, even then, girls would find a way such as wearing short jeans, several colorful socks laying on each other. punk style was the mode. and renault was the car many young girls would liked to drive the most.

5:43 PM  
Blogger Spooky Witch said...

David,probably most of the time women are not aware of the sexual power they have over men!

Anthrophile,thanks!happy eid to you too..but we are not so into Eid Fetr over here..Iranians mostly celebrate Norouz.

Mariamusic,right now 206 is more popular!

12:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I most the time go through such a difficulty to let people know an Irani is not an Arab. It's just so drilled in many minds we are Arabs that those many hardly hear I suppose.

oh well.

Is it peugeot 206?

12:51 AM  
Blogger rubarzan said...

Just put a Wonderbra next time you go for a job interview. You increase your chances of getting the job. If you get the job , then you won't have to keep it if you don't want to.

1:21 PM  
Blogger Alireza said...

I agree with what you wrote 100%. we are living in time that Iran is more than any time Arabinzied(if the word exist!)
I wrote manyartcles on when we have so much access to green energy why we should use nuclear which even the waste of it is dangerous!!
hope you find M very time soon and things work out the best!

5:51 AM  
Blogger Spooky Witch said...

Mariam, actually people in Turkey celebrate Eid Fetr and Eid Ghorban too.But in no terms they're counted as Arabs. I just wonder if persevering Persian traditions might sound anti-Arab.
Yep that is peugeot 206.

rubarzan,lol no wonder bras…I am fine with my size. I wasn't really serious about the boob relation to job interviews. I was just aggravated by not getting that job!

Risto_Trier ,I wanted that job. Maybe I had one of the seven sins, envy !You're right I wouldn't work in somewhere that people are judged based on their physical appearances .
Thanks for visiting my blog .I'll put some personal stuff here once I find something cool to say. Actually nothing much happens over here.

Alireza,I assume Iran's nuclear program puts country's more important interests at risks like exposing country to sanctions or threatening fragile oil dependent economy of this third world country.
Oh thanks, but M is kind of far away to reach!

12:39 PM  
Blogger Alireza said...

I have linked you to my link column, hope you don't mind! by the way, I agree with you! hope people realize they are taken hostage in this war game ends up to the mad game!!

9:05 AM  
Blogger Spooky Witch said...

Alireza,thanks for linking to my blog.I have given up blaming Bush for all this circus going on about Iran.I guess we have to blame someone else.

11:44 AM  
Blogger David said...

Hi Spooky, how is everything with you? I hope you will post again soon. :)

10:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praise the memory of Hedayat! Glory to the enemy of the arab parast invaders!

Death to the cosmetic surgeons! Death to the gucci-slaves!

Ultimate thanks to the rum distillers of the Caribbean!

2:58 PM  
Blogger Spooky Witch said...

Risto_Trier,Do you think Dems will change US foreign policies?
They have persuaded very same policies of Reps.But perhaps you're right they probably won't support invading more countries.

Hi David,I am doing fine!Just kinda busy with life and other shitty stuff.Thanks for hollering back here.I will post soon.

Rasko,it is good to see you here again.
Praise the memory of Hedayat! Glory to the enemy of the arab parast invaders!>>>>
I am not anti-Arab, just kind of a nationalist...LOL..

Death to the cosmetic surgeons! Death to the Gucci-slaves!>>.
I never dared to risk a surgery but find me a woman who doesn't want a Gucci handbag!

11:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Tee, I hope all is well, I miss your letters.....

12:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and why don't you update?! :) from Nerd to smart girl with small chest (tried to be polite!:)

9:41 AM  
Blogger Spooky Witch said...

mc_buckeye ..hiya Mike..I just fixed that email thingy...I'll holler back soon:-)

Alireza..hehe ..small chest!I am not that petit..lol..I just don't have DD boobs!Thanks for the compliment!I'll update soon:-)

11:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for promotion, could you also increase my salary? in my previous comment the word polite must be corrected by politically correct! sorry for confusion!

1:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The President makes foreign policy in The U.S. The Senate (One of the two houses of Congress) has some control but not much.

Many outside of America overestimated the importance of the Democratic win this year in Congress. I think many are used to the parlimentary system and don't fully understand how the U.S. Presidential system works.

I like your blog btw.

12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you get you mind straight very soon and get back to blogsphere:D
shad bashi,

1:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope to read somethig recent from you spooky.
your friend,

9:40 PM  
Blogger Spooky Witch said...

Rask,that was kind of so funny,thanks for always cool comments..

Mariam ,Alireza,Thanks you guys,I am sorry for not being around for couple of month.
I am back again!

10:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear friend, God has led me to you today. He loves you very much. I do not know you. But God knows you, and He loves you. He knows all your sins, and I can prove to you that He will forgive you and wash away your sin. He will do this for you because He wants you to be close to Him forever. Abrahim offered his son and a lamb died instead of his son. That lamb died as part of God's plan. Isa is the lamb of God. I can prove that. Read in the Injil John chapter 1 verse 29. It says of Isa, "Behold the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world". Isa was born of the virgin. He was born without sin. He came to die in your place. You have sin, but Isa was the lamb of God, Who was the sacrifice for your sin. Just as Abrahim offered his son for God, so God offered His Son for Abrahim, for you, and for me. Isa died for you as part of God's plan to save you and forgive your sin. Isa rose from the dead. That proves that His promise to forgive you all your sin is true. If you talk to Him today, He will hear you and answer you because He loves you. You need His love. You can only have true peace if you receive the spirit of God to live in your heart by faith in Isa, the Son of God. I love you.

5:47 PM  

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