As the time passes us it is hard not to believe we are getting closer to the next world war. War on Afghanistan was just the beginning of the story. Bush started his campaign with "War on terrorism" then he continued it with "War for liberty" so what he is going to name "War on Iran"? The Middle East is slated to be the main battlefield of next world war. And no wonder my nation will be in middle of it.
Mr. Bush, are you satisfied to walk so proudly on the cradle of the civilization dehumanizing us, killing us and labeling us as bunch of terrorists? Is that how you help your main stream media picturing us? It is not surprising that there are many americans hating us and blaming us for 9/11.I am against any violence,any action that leads to death of innocent human beings, no matter who they are and no matter where they are from.
Are people like me real threats to the USA? People like me get killed in Iraq everyday. Yes, after 8 yrs of war with Iraq I became to hate them but I figured out gradually that they were people like me. So I aimed my vengeance to people who light the fire of war. It is once said in peace sons bury their fathers and in war fathers bury their sons.
I hate chapter 7 ... I hate nuclear programs. ..I hate everything nuclear…I hate easily fooled Persian diplomats. I hate UNSC….list goes on ..
Ps: When Mr. Straw was reported by BBC saying" talk of a U.S. nuclear strike was 'completely nuts,'" following reports by well-connected U.S. journalist Seymour Hersh that such strikes were under consideration. Denials by members and fellow travelers of the Bush and Blair regimes should of course be considered in the light of similar denials in the run-up to the invasion of Iraq, which proved to have been lies.
Probably this statement cost Mr.Straw his job.
Mr. Bush, are you satisfied to walk so proudly on the cradle of the civilization dehumanizing us, killing us and labeling us as bunch of terrorists? Is that how you help your main stream media picturing us? It is not surprising that there are many americans hating us and blaming us for 9/11.I am against any violence,any action that leads to death of innocent human beings, no matter who they are and no matter where they are from.
Are people like me real threats to the USA? People like me get killed in Iraq everyday. Yes, after 8 yrs of war with Iraq I became to hate them but I figured out gradually that they were people like me. So I aimed my vengeance to people who light the fire of war. It is once said in peace sons bury their fathers and in war fathers bury their sons.
I hate chapter 7 ... I hate nuclear programs. ..I hate everything nuclear…I hate easily fooled Persian diplomats. I hate UNSC….list goes on ..
Ps: When Mr. Straw was reported by BBC saying" talk of a U.S. nuclear strike was 'completely nuts,'" following reports by well-connected U.S. journalist Seymour Hersh that such strikes were under consideration. Denials by members and fellow travelers of the Bush and Blair regimes should of course be considered in the light of similar denials in the run-up to the invasion of Iraq, which proved to have been lies.
Probably this statement cost Mr.Straw his job.
President Bush has never talked about war with Iran. It's your presdient that keep wanting the wipe the US and Israel out of the map. You better point your finger at the correct source. It's your country that has esclated the situation.
Peace upon us all
the funny thing is there is trace of our involvement in 9/11! Many nations but not us for god sake!! is the world going nuts???
I know that the weapons are in the hands of those in power. But most Americans are now against the Iraq war and many of us are working for peace. On April 29 350,000 people marched for peace in New York City. I support an organization that is campaigning to create a Department of Peace within the federal government. A bill is before both houses of congress to create this department. There are many of us working hard for peace and for truth.
What's funny/interesting to me is how even television shows are blatantly anti-Bush and anti-Iraq war now. It used to be more covert, and confined to political forums and radio shows. Now even silly teen dramas are making barbed comments, and using posters and whatnot in their background sets. (The show "Supernatural" recently featured a junkyard guard dog that got killed -- named "Rumsfeld." You had to listen closely.)
Why do I keep pointing out this stuff? I supposed I'd just like to emphasize that Americans are not all "stupid and ignorant" -- 68% disapprove -- but we are extremely, extremely disorganized.
I will admit, I think Saddam Hussein and sons were horrible and I was glad when he died, but I am still struggling in myself on whether this chaos, brother fighting brother and the US Army standing around like morons having no understanding of the local people and being sent lousy equipment to boot, presiding impotently over the slaughter is an improvement at all. The best I can say (with a bit of self hatred) is that at least when Saddam was in charge, it wasn't our business. And THAT'S also a horrible thing to say. God I hate the world sometimes.
Interesting opinion piece
I can not get a visa to visit Iran my friebd said, he talked to the embassy, Canada nd Iran do not currently have good relations politically. The people suffer at the hands of their overlords.
two words to help the world, spiral dynamics, google it.
Dear Rasko,very well said indeed.persian one can ever show the magic of it.I wish Our Iran can be saved from these maniacs.
Dear Anonymous,
I think Mr.Bush prefers actions without any warnings.I think Rasko used the most proper term POPULISM..I hope next time you come across my blog you comment with a nickname or something other than anonymouse status
Thanks again, Rasko for the good comments.
Dr.O2 I have to admit I think it is sad.I don't find it funny..
Dear Laura,by saying that you enlightened me .I know there are people who really care and they're not few.But it seems at both side it is hardliners who have the most power.Thanks for the link.I'll check it .Good Luck dear freind.
Dear Anthrophile,I wonder who really benefits from this war?Exon mobil?Shell?BP?I am sure Iraqis don't benefit from this war on Iraq.I hated the saddam.I always asked myse if it is really fair for people like Saddam to die once or to be executed once?that is not fair..I hate the world sometimes.I hope I could do soemthing to make this world a better place for fututre generations.Thanks for the link I'll check it..Good luck
Dear Bryan ,I am sorry that your freind couldn't get the visa.I hope things will get better soon(very stupid wish I guess because it won't come true very soon at least)I'll google what you mentioned.I hope it is not too complicated for me good luck.
imagen a war..bang bang..u shoot and kill'n it good indeed??
Dear Deci,war is no good in any case...and no one wants it inside his/her home but seems to me Bush is spreading it all over and he doesn't even want to face any opposition from us..It is not fair
People like Deci convince the Yanks to vote for Bush, you know. ;-)
Anthrophile,I know Deci enough to tell you that she is really a person with good heart..and all she was trying to say as I understood was to point out if american people like tit for tat?do they like to have war on the soil of USA?I meant no one even likes to imagine to face war in their own country,town and home land.
Spooky Witch:
Interesting stuff. I've been bouncing through some Iranian blogs. I've always had a soft spot for Iran and have always wanted to see Tehran with my own eyes. Maybe someday I'll get the chance to visit.
"Brother fighting brother"?
You're joking right?
You say "brother fighting brother" (I can only assume) referencing sectarian violence, and follow it with "...the US Army standing around like morons having no understanding of the local people". Are you trying to convince someone that you have some sort of grasp on the situation with such a comment? It sounds to me like a cheap rhetorical allusion to the US Civil War. I think you have your wars wrong -- you and your friends are supposed to be drawging references to Vietnam, remember?
I'll write it off as being a naive statement. How's that sound?
I hope they drop a BLU-82 on your cat.
Just kidding!!
I love cats. And Iranians.
Do you feel that the war has been carried out according to some intelligent plan? Do you feel that we went in there with some kind of understanding of the task we were taking on? Did you hear the same speeches I did about how the war was going to be over in less than a year and the insurgency was in "its last throes"? Can you deny that we are going to come home pretty soon with our tail between our legs having accomplished only a tiny fraction, if anything, of the stability to the region we promied to bring, and deminished ability to carry out missions that actually suit our purposes of increased security here at home? Can you deny what top generals say is true: that the US Army wasn't even given money for proper physical weapons, not even upon request, let alone prepared for the reality of the situation on the ground or that our soldiers are as much victims as anyone else, that pleas for more troops and gear have been ignored?
Can you deny that there is inter-sect violence going on in Iraq today, and that it is being stirred up on purpose by forces both Iraqi and outsider? Do you really think that the crowds of children being blown up -- by a suicide bombing campaign that dwarfs the scope of the Intifada -- are being killed by magically appearing fairies, or by Americans, and not by extremists of their own land? Can you deny that the Iraqi state army is not yet prepared to take on alone the task of peacekeeping that lies before it, that it will soon be forced to prematurely assume? Can you deny that there are families being forced to flee because one parent is Shiite and one Sunni and they have no recourse, that neither type of school will take these children? Can you deny that al-Quaeda has made statements to the effect that they wished to start an Iraqi civil war?
Can you deny that the counrty itelf is made up of a mishmash of ethnicities artificially forced together into arbitrarily drawn borders by the British, so that their time would be taken up with infighting rather than revolt? Or explain why there is no Kurdistan?
Before you decide who my "friends" are and what I support or have supported in the past -- or, you know what? Just shut up. Attack people who are actually hurting you.
Whatever, this is a blog about Iran.
Deci, I react badly to statements that being "isn't it good... shoot and kill." But now that's it's been explained to me I understand where you're coming from. (And I believe very strongly that we need to leave your government to you.)
BTW, I was proud of our army before abu Grahib. Proud. We were the ones that people ran to surrender to -- before war had even been declared -- because they knew they would be well-treated, they knew we had honor. Our rep was a weapon in our favor, and we threw it away like garbage. So yeah, I will call them a collection of morons.
Paul,I hope you get to see Iran before it blows apart under some 2000 pounds bombs or the country breaks into pieces under some sectarian war like Iraq…Come soon to Iran to visit it because nothing going to be left from itafter the sanctions or the so called bombings for destroying the nuclear facilities.And Iran is not just about Tehran, for more than thousands yrs of civilization we have more to offer than just a overpopulated city like Tehran.:)Guess you are not happy about what is going on in Iraq, do you think Iraqi people are happier now? One hour of electricity for 6 hours of not having electricity. Not many people there afford to buy generators or maybe you hear about life in Iraq just in Green zone?!!!I don't want that here. I don't deny that Iranian government plays the key role of making things worse .But that doesn't mean I would hold up for what Bush is planning to do.
I agree with is a war brother killing brother. I have friends from Iraq. Not many years ago no one cared who was Sunni or who was Shiite but right now people are killed in cold blood for being Shiite or Sunni,let alone new issues like trafficking Iraqi girls because of the absence of enough security…
But about US troops in Iraq, I just can say I figured out many of those soldiers in Iraq are just same as my age and I don't know if they really know about what they're fighting for?! Liberty of Iraq, if that is the real motive which is so hard to believe, they have to be appreciated for what they're doing there and if the reason for war is for no GOOD reason.Are they getting killed in VAIN?Paul, this war that you're supporting, what is that for? WMDs ?where are they? Is it Saddam, why USA didn't bring him down on the gulf war? Sham games for ruling the world and fooling people like me and you. Never believed any words of people like Bush or Persian type of it... Could CIA and other intelligence agencies find any link between and Al-Qaeda found? Many questions are left unanswered…
Mister Jinxy ,lol. Yes, Iran looks like a cat on the map...
Please don't let them bomb this white Persian cat.
Anthrophile, thanks for the insightful comment…Middle East was always host of tension and chaos but sometimes it seems the outside interference make it even tenser. Before USA ,we had Britain and Russia exploiting this region .I am trying to avoid showing off any ethnic pride and also do my best to be unbiased but I have one question what do they want from us?OIL?let them take it. if it is not OIL then what is it?Isreal...I don't think it is just about Isreal… what is it?! Most of these dictatorships around here have been supported by Britain, Russia, France and USA…
It's nice to try to romanticize things and say "brother killing brother". I'm sure many Iraqis feel that way, and I think it's fair to say that Iraqis who embrace Iraqi brotherhood are not running around killing each other.
Those who are running around killing each other...they're the ones we need to worry about. Approaching them with open arms and lamenting the woes of fratricide is a really good way to, well, get fratricided. On the internet. With a power drill.
Anthrophile: How nice of you to bombard someone with all those questions, most of which have global powerbrokers pulling out their hair. Those are some good questions, of course, but what are your solutions? Can you not only answer your own questions, but pose realistic alternatives? (i,e. "We shouldn't have gone in at all!" isn't particularly realistic, because time machines haven't been invented.) I can't. And lucky for me, I'm not tasked with trying to figure that sort of thing out. Also, it's a shame that the Abu Grahib scandal should tarnish your view on the entire US military. I know for a fact that most US military folks found such behavior reprehensible and counterproductive. No one would disagree that the people involved were a "collection of morons," but judging an entire organization based on actions such as those is no less reprehensible and counterproductive.
Isn't it funny how calling the US military a "collection of morons" gets people high-5s, but referring to, say, a crowd in Fallujah, as a bunch of animals after watching them hang bodies from a bridge, makes a person culturally insensitive?
PS. "Just shut up"? Yikes. Sounds like someone's Anthrophilia needs a bit of a recharge.
No. I hope they drop a BLU-82 on your "pussy cat".
Ha! Got you.
Just kidding.
There I go again.
No, seriously. I really mean it.
Send in the Daisy Cutters.
There are two worlds on our planet. One where it is possible to talk and negociate to find a solution or a compromise. And the other one is where there is only language of force which is understood. Which world Iran belongs to? First one or the second one? Where people are being executed by tousands without trail, where the executed people can't even have the right to a grave yard, where people's clothing is decided in the parlement, where students are banned and imprisoned, where writers and journalists are treated as criminals, where the sharia is applied to teenagers. In this world you do not negociate. You obey.There is no place for reasoning. You close your eyes and obey the leader. How is it just possible to discuss with these kind of governments? THEY DONOT ACCEPT anything except their way. And they always have hundreds of religious reasons behind it. These people are hiidden behind an entire population and no one can reach them. What should be done? In a real world what should be done?
My entire point, Paul, is that I DON'T know, and I am expressing sorrow for this fact. I am TORN. And I do not think it is my job to know -- frankly the zealots on the right and left who go on and on as though they DO have the "obvious" answers, when they are full of triteness and pat, idealist catchphrases, and when they are constantly proven wrong, sicken me on a daily basis.
And if I responded to you by "silencing," it's because you originally responded to me (as far it can be considered a "response" when I wasn't talking to you in the first place) by "trolling." Or "lecturing," to be less inflammatory. And definintely with accusations and namecalling.
I won't apologize for my reflexes, but being far calmer now, I will point out -- there's often, though not always, a difference between the way women talk to each other (a horizontal, emotional maintenance- oriented thing) and the way men do (a hierarchal, problem-solving type of thing.) I am talking -- to Spooky Witch -- in one way, while you are lecturing me for an entirely different purpose. So perhaps we crossed some wires of understanding, there.
Look, this is somebody's private journal and I'm not going to turn it into a catfight with you any more -- I'm sorry I let it get this far to begin with. I am only here to attempt to offer as much empathy as I am capable of (being Western and not currently in a war zone) to Spooky Witch. If you want to yell at (or hopefully discuss with) me some more, please go to and do so there. Contrary to what you seem to believe of me, I don't think you are, entirely wrong about this stuff. I do resent the conclusions you lept to, hence my previous ire.
I hope you don't take this as an attack.
(Sorry for the delay in reply, been busy. :-) This is a work connection I'm on.)
"Anthrophile which people ran to you? The 1 million people that marched against the war in London?"
Well, actually no one ran to me personally as I was in New York, surrounded by the protesters there, at the time. (Not protesting myself. 1. I have a job and 2. I'm not impressed by the effect of modern protests -- essentially no effect at all -- on world events. Back in the 60s maybe, but about modern times I am disillusioned. I'd rather write my Congressman or donate money to people who give medical care to children.) Also I doubt the protesters had any need to surrender to anyone for their physical safety -- until recently, London police have enjoyed a rather cuddly reputation, for the most part.
There were people in Iraq surrendering before war was declared -- before they knew what they were getting into I suppose. This was documented in 1991 as well, and in other conflicts such as Kosovo -- people chose to go to US troops rather than UN ones. Lesser of two evils, perhaps.
One article I'm referring to is here:
Of course, as with anything, the source must be considered. I'm sure other news outlets reported this stuff differently (but a lot of their links have expired. Also I'm supposed to be working!).
Your sarcasm isn't lost on me, but I figure it's more productive to answer honestly, rather than shrieking as I did at Paul. :-) As I stated above, I am/was here to speak to Spooky Witch, not debate with you. See e-mail address above if you wish to continue.
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